Overview of open licensed datasets

Authors: Egon Willighagen The difference between a dataset and a database is not unlike food ingredients and a dinner. Databases are like the ready-to-eat dinners, sometimes in a fancy restaurant (read: the database has an application programming interface), sometimes at home (nice website). Datasets are what you need to cook the dinner, the ingredients. And…

NanoSafety Ontology extension – characterisation, ecotoxicology and mesocosm terms added

Authors: Laurent Winckers and Egon Willighagen  Version 7 of the eNanoMapper Ontology1 (ENM) (currently maintained and developed via NanoCommons funding) was released on the 4th February 2021. This new version houses annotation properties from various related ontologies, including the BioAssay Ontology (BAO), the Chemical Information Ontology2 (CHEMINF), the NanoParticle Ontology (NPO), the Relation Ontology (RO)…