Read-across predictions of nanoparticle hazard endpoints: a mathematical optimization approach

NanoCommons supported paper: Read-across predictions of nanoparticle hazard endpoints: a mathematical optimization approach Abstract In the present study, a novel read-across methodology for the prediction of toxicity related end-points of engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) is developed. The proposed method lies in the interface between the two main read-across approaches, namely the analogue and the grouping methods,…

European Registry of Materials Hackathon – Oral Presentation

  Egon Willighagen from the University of Maastricht has given a presentation on the need for FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) identifiers for nanomaterials used in nanosafety, nanomedicine and nanotechnology research. The presentation was given during the 4th NanoCommons General Assembly that took place in Limassol, Cyprus in July 2019. The presentation is available…

EU NanoSafety Cluster Week, 7-10 October 2019, Copenhagen, Denmark

EU NanoSafety Cluster WeekBuilding confidence in risk assessmentand governance of nanomaterials innovation NanoSafety Cluster Week Building confidence in risk assessment and governance of nanomaterials innovation Save the date October 7-10, Copenhagen Abstract deadline: 13 September 2019 (Posters only) Following the conference “New tools and approaches for nanomaterials safety assessment” in February 2017, The NanoSafety Cluster…

Mapping connections in signaling networks with ambiguous modularity

Abstract Modular Response Analysis (MRA) is a suite of methods that under certain assumptions permits the precise reconstruction of both the directions and strengths of connections between network modules from network responses to perturbations. Standard MRA assumes that modules are insulated, thereby neglecting the existence of inter-modular protein complexes. Such complexes sequester proteins from different…

Enalos Nanoinformatics Cloud Platform: A Safe-by-Design Tool for Functionalised Nanomaterials

Enalos Cloud Nanoinformatics PlatformA Safe-by-Design Tool for Functionalised NanomaterialsOverview Multi-walled carbon nanotubes are currently used in numerous industrial applications and products, therefore fast and accurate evaluation of their biological and toxicological effects is of utmost importance. Computational methods and techniques, previously applied in the area of cheminformatics for the prediction of adverse effects of chemicals,…

Enalos Cloud Platform: A friendly user interface for Chem / Nano Informatics Applications

Enalos Cloud PlatformA friendly user interface for Chem / Nano Informatics ApplicationsOverview Enalos Cloud Platform, developed by NovaMechanics Ltd, is an online, freely available cheminformatics and nanoinformatics cloud platform, that hosts predictive models released as web services, which aim to address the need to reduce the amount of time and cost spent on experimental testing…

Enalos Read Across Platform: zeta potential predictive model based on image nanodescriptors

Enalos Read Across PlatformZeta Potential Predictive Model Based on Image NanodescriptorsOverview A new predictive model has been developed within NanoCommons project with the aid of Enalos Cloud Platform to support the safety-by-design concept. More specifically a read across predictive model was developed for zeta-potential of NMs and released through the platform as an online application.…

Nano-related experimental workflows

Nano-related Experimental WorkflowsOverview LEITAT is offering guidance on nano-related experimental workflows, which may include site visits, either to established facilities (as a reference in terms of layout, equipment needs, workflow, etc.) or to new facilities (in order to identify potential pitfalls), web-based information exchange forums, organisation of round-robin tests to evaluate inter-laboratory precision. Support on…

ENM Physicochemical Characterisation Experimental Workflows

ENM Physicochemical Characterisation Experimental WorkflowsOverview The Environmental Nanoscience Group (ENG) of the University of Birmingham (UoB) has long experience on one of the key pillars of nanosafety research, which is the full physicochemical characterisation of the engineered nanomaterials (ENM). ENG has established detailed experimental workflows, which include the use of various instruments (e.g. TEM, DLS,…