2nd EU-Asia Dialogue on Nanosafety

Asia Nano Forum and EU NanoSafety Cluster Event Location: Messe Wien (Sensengasse 1, A-1090 Vienna, Austria) The 2nd EU-Asia Dialogue on Nanosafety is an event bringing together nanosafety experts, from Asian and European countries. The purpose of this event is to get insights on actual and future human and environmental nanosafety research, to then discuss in the…

NanoCommons at the EMMC workshop on the European Materials Modelling Ontology

NanoCommons ontology expert Egon Willighagen (Maastricht University) and Éva Valsami-Jones (University of Birmingham, NSC Coordinator) attended the workshop organised by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation and the European Materials Modelling Council to kick-start a bottom-up group of experts interested in “materials informatics” more particular ontologies. The workshop aimed to find experts who are interested in…