3rd NanoSafety Forum for Young Scientists

The EU NanoSafety Cluster and the Horizon 2020 ACEnano project are proud to announce the 3rd NanoSafety Forum for Young Scientists. The event is a follow-up of the first two meetings, which took place in Syracuse, Sicily and Visby, Sweden, and will take place in Valletta, Malta, on 10th an 11th September 2018. The event is an open forum for young…

NanoCommons at EU NanoSafety Cluster Scientific Meeting, Athens, Greece

NanoCommons had a strong presence during the EU NanoSafety Cluster Scientific Meeting that took place in Athens, Greece in conjunction with the NanoFASE consortium meeting. Tassos Papadiamantis (University of Birmingham) gave a presentation (slides) on data curation automation and harmonisation, the CEINT NanoInformatics Knowledge Commons (NIKC) curation templates and the use of online lab-books during…