NanoCommons at OpenTox Asia 2018

NanoCommons was present at the OpenTox Asia 2018 conference, organised by Douglas Connect, to promote the project’s data management goals and approach. The presentation on data management for nanosafety research (abstract), was given by Tassos Papadiamantis of the University of Birmingham and focused on the need of data management in nanosafety research and how it can…

Data management in nanosafety research: From bench to database thus streamlining analysis and publication – OpenTox Asia 2018

Tassos Papadiamantis of the University of Birmingham presented NanoCommons’ data management goals and approach. His presentation focused on the need of data management in nanosafety research and how it can cover all aspects of the nanosafety data lifecycle, starting from experimental planning and reaching FAIR data. Data management can also ensure that collected data stay safe, can be…

The Odyssey of data curation… Or how to make curation fun and promote data harmonisation – NSC Scientific Meeting 2018

Tassos Papadiamantis (University of Birmingham) gave a presentation on data curation automation and harmonisation, the CEINT NanoInformatics Knowledge Commons (NIKC) curation templates and the use of online lab-books during every day experimental practice during the EU NanoSafety Cluster Scientific Meeting that took place in Athens, Greece. in conjunction with the NanoFASE consortium meeting, was a member…

NanoCommons at EU NanoSafety Cluster Scientific Meeting, Athens, Greece

NanoCommons had a strong presence during the EU NanoSafety Cluster Scientific Meeting that took place in Athens, Greece in conjunction with the NanoFASE consortium meeting. Tassos Papadiamantis (University of Birmingham) gave a presentation (slides) on data curation automation and harmonisation, the CEINT NanoInformatics Knowledge Commons (NIKC) curation templates and the use of online lab-books during…